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2024-07-30 10:34:11  来源:网络   热度:


社会上长期形成的通行的风尚、习惯、礼仪等。 一、拼音 风俗 [ fēng sú ] 二、出处 先秦·佚名《诗序》:“先王以是经夫妇,成孝敬,厚人伦,美教化,移风俗。” 释义: 先王用诗来使夫妇之道入于正常,使子女对父母成孝敬之心, 使人伦关系淳厚,使教化美满,推移转变世俗。 三、例句 1、端午节吃粽子、赛龙舟的风俗由来已久。



Double Ninth Festival, a traditional Chinese folk festival, falls on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month every year.

The number of "Nine" is the Yang number in the Book of Changes, and the two Yang numbers of "Nine Nine" are the same, so it is called "Chongyang". Because every day and month falls on nine, it is also called "Double Nine".

In ancient times, there were folk customs such as climbing high to pray for blessings, worshipping gods and ancestors, feasting and praying for longevity on Double Ninth Festival. Heretofore, the connotation of respecting the elderly has been added.

Appreciating the autumn and being grateful for the elderly are two important themes of today's Double Ninth Festival.


重阳节习俗包括:出游赏秋、登高远眺、观赏菊花、遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒等活动。英文表示:重阳节 DoubleNinthFestival出游赏秋enjoytheautumn登高远眺 overlookthehigh观赏菊花 admirethechrysanthemum遍插茱萸 inserttheCornus吃重阳糕 eattheheavySunCake饮菊花酒drinkthechrysanthemumwine


重阳节在英语中被称为Double Ninth Festival。它是中国传统节日之一,通常在农历九月初九日举行。这个节日起源于中国的古代文化和传统,被认为是一个重要的家庭节日。在这一天,人们会爬山、赏菊、吃重阳糕等,以表达对老年人的敬重和祝福。这个节日也是一种文化传承,它激励人们珍惜生命,尊重长者,坚持良好的品德和行为,以及传承中华文化。


Today is the double ninth festival, I went to the lotus flower mountain to play with my mother, we went to lianhua mountain, father said to get the newspaper, then disappeared, we had to climb lianhua mountain.

I first under the lianhua warm-up exercise in the park, then, we go to climb the lianhua, I ran quickly to the top of the hill, all the way to the statue of deng xiaoping"s there, we went to find father, dad didn"t find, we can eat up, we ate peanuts, bread, drank the mineral water, wait until we, satiated with food and then went down the mountain. As I walked down the hill, my sister and I were so far away that we were left behind, and we finally walked out.

Then we went to the uncle"s house again and saw dad, and then dad was going out again. Dad walked for a while and we went away.

That"s the kind of thing that happened on the double ninth festival.


The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar day, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation.


In ancient times, there were customs of climbing high to pray for blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood, offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity.


So far, it has added the connotation of respecting the elderly, enjoying the feast high on the day of the Double Ninth Festival, and being grateful to the elderly.


Appreciation of the autumn and gratitude for respecting the elderly are two important themes of today's Double Ninth Festival.







Filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.On this special day, let"s love the old together.


记忆重阳节的单词,可以使用以下方法——使用“double 9”记忆重阳节的英文单词。在英文中,“double 9”是指重阳节。该短语以数字“9”为主要元素,方便记忆。除了“double 9”,还有一些和重阳节相关的单词,如chrysanthemum(菊花)、glutinous rice cake(糯米糕)等可以通过图片、生动的场景等方法进行记忆。另外,也可以通过制作卡片、分类练习等方法加深印象。


The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival,or Double Ninth Festival.It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar .In an ancient and mysterious book .

The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago.Therefore,the double Ninth Festival is also called "height ascending festival".
