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2024-07-28 21:55:11  来源:网络   热度:


Mid-autumn Day

Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese festival. It usually comes in September or October .On that day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes. It is said "Hou Yi" missed his wife, so he made mooncakes. It looks like the moon. There are many kinds of mooncakes. They are small round cakes with meat, nuts or something sweet inside . eating mooncakes has been our custom. Families stay outside in the open air eat a big dinner and mooncakes. The most important thing is looking at the moon, On that day, the moon kooks brighter and rounder. We call this moon the full moon. On that day, families get together, so we call this day getting –together. This is Mid –autumn Day. I love it very much. Because on that day I can eat mooncakes. And my brother comes back home. He works outside all year. Only that day and the Spring Festival. He comes back. So that day I am especially happy. On that day my family gets together


中秋节是中国传统的一个节日,通常在农历八月十五这一天庆祝。人们会吃月饼,赏月,还有一些其他的习俗。在英文中,中秋节可以简单地描述为"Mid-Autumn Festival"或者"Moon Festival"。这个节日源自中国古代,并作为一个贵族的宫廷节日开始,后来逐渐流传到民间。在节日中,人们通常聚在一起赏月,晚上吃月饼,并分享好时光。总的来说,中秋节被认为是一个传统,文化和家庭价值的象征。


关于这个问题,Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is a time for family reunions and gratitude for the harvest. The festival has a variety of customs, including:

1. Eating mooncakes: Mooncakes are a traditional pastry filled with sweet or savory ingredients. They are often given as gifts to family and friends.

2. Appreciating the moon: It is a tradition to go outside and admire the full moon on this day, as it is believed to be at its brightest and roundest.

3. Lighting lanterns: Lanterns are lit and hung in public places and in homes to symbolize good luck and prosperity.

4. Playing with dēnglóng: Dēnglóng is a traditional toy made of bamboo and paper that produces a sound when spun. Children often play with them during the festival.

5. Drinking tea: Tea is often served during the festival as a symbol of respect and gratitude towards elders and family members.

These customs are still widely practiced today, and the festival is an important part of Chinese culture and tradition.



The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is one of the traditional Chinese festivals celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is a time when family members gather together to appreciate the full moon and celebrate the abundance of the harvest. 

During the festival, people enjoy various activities and customs. One of the most iconic traditions is the eating of mooncakes, which are round pastries filled with sweet or savory fillings. Mooncakes symbolize family reunion and are often exchanged as gifts among relatives and friends.

Another highlight of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the admiration of the moon. It is believed that the moon is at its brightest and roundest on this night, so people gather outdoors to appreciate its beauty. Lanterns are also lit to add to the festive atmosphere.

In addition to mooncakes and moon gazing, there are various cultural performances and games that take place during the festival. These include dragon and lion dances, as well as the playing of traditional Chinese musical instruments.

The Mid-Autumn Festival holds great cultural significance for the Chinese people, as it represents unity, gratitude, and the importance of family. It is a time of joy, reflection, and celebration, bringing people together to cherish their loved ones and express their wishes for a bountiful future.





Mooncakes (月饼)

Mooncakes are the quintessential food of the Mid-Autumn Festival. These round pastries are filled with lotus seed paste, nuts, and sometimes salted egg yolks. The rich and sweet flavor of mooncakes symbolizes unity and completeness, making them a popular gift during this festive season.

Osmanthus Jelly (桂花糕)

Osmanthus jelly, also known as gui hua gao, is a delicate dessert made from osmanthus flowers and sweet-scented osmanthus sugar. The light and refreshing taste of this jelly is perfect for cleansing the palate after indulging in rich mooncakes.

Glutinous Rice Dumplings (粽子)

Glutinous rice dumplings, or zongzi, are pyramid-shaped treats wrapped in bamboo leaves. They are filled with sticky rice, meat, and various ingredients depending on regional preferences. Zongzi are typically steamed or boiled and enjoyed hot or at room temperature.

Tea Ceremony (茶道)

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also a time for enjoying tea with loved ones. Chinese tea culture is deeply rooted in traditions and rituals, and a tea ceremony during this festival enhances the sense of harmony and peace among family members.











  • Trick or Treat(不给糖就捣蛋):这是万圣节最具代表性的庆祝活动之一。孩子们会穿上各种鬼魂面具和服装,敲开邻居家的门,并说出“Trick or Treat”的口令。居民们会给予孩子们糖果或小礼物,否则他们可能会捣乱。
  • 鬼屋:在万圣节期间,许多地方会举办鬼屋活动。这些活动通常在被装饰成可怕场景的建筑内进行。人们可以一边感受刺激,一边欣赏各种可怕的景象。
  • 南瓜灯:制作南瓜灯是万圣节的传统之一。人们会挖空南瓜,雕刻出各种有趣的面孔,并在里面放置蜡烛。这些灯笼被放置在门口或窗台上,以驱赶邪恶的灵魂。
  • 化妆舞会:许多人会在万圣节举办化妆舞会。人们会穿上各种奇装异服,并化妆成不同的角色,比如魔女、僵尸或吸血鬼。舞会上会有音乐、舞蹈和各种有趣的活动。
  • 传统食物:在万圣节,有一些特殊的食物被用来庆祝这个节日。比如,将南瓜制成派或糖果,烤苹果,以及各种以巧克力为主题的甜点。



  • Trick or Treat - 不给糖就捣蛋
  • Costume - 服装
  • Ghost - 鬼魂
  • Pumpkin - 南瓜
  • Jack-o"-lantern - 南瓜灯
  • Haunted house - 鬼屋
  • Witch - 魔女
  • Zombie - 僵尸
  • Vampire - 吸血鬼
  • Party - 派对
  • Candy - 糖果
  • Apple bobbing - 烤苹果游戏


"On Halloween, children dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. They visit their neighbors" houses, saying "Trick or Treat." The neighbors give them candy or small gifts. There are also haunted houses where people can experience thrilling and scary scenes. People carve pumpkins into jack-o"-lanterns and place them at their doorsteps to ward off evil spirits. Costume parties are held, where people can dress up as witches, zombies, vampires, and other characters. Traditional Halloween food includes pumpkin pie, candy, and caramel apples."







1 苏格兰传统服饰是一种独特而古老的服饰风格。2 苏格兰传统服饰的原因在于其深厚的历史和文化背景。这些服饰通常由格子图案的裙子(被称为“kilt”)和配套的上衣组成。这种服饰风格起源于苏格兰高地地区的克兰人,他们将其视为自己的象征。3 苏格兰传统服饰的包括配套的配饰,如腰带、袜子、鞋子和头饰等。这些服饰不仅在苏格兰的传统节日和庆典上穿着,也经常出现在婚礼和其他特殊场合中。苏格兰传统服饰的独特性和精美设计使其成为了苏格兰文化的重要组成部分,也吸引了世界各地的人们的喜爱和关注。


Laozi, formerly known as Li Er.老子,原名李耳。

Lao Tzu is a great thinker, philosopher, writer and historian in ancient China, the founder and main representative of the Taoist school. 老子是中国古代伟大的思想家、哲学家、文学家和史学家,道家学派创始人和主要代表人物。

Laozi's thought has a profound influence on the development of Chinese philosophy.老子思想对中国哲学发展具有深刻影响。

In Taoism, Lao Tzu is revered as the ancestor of Taoism.在道教中,老子被尊为道教始祖。


“Impression .West Lake”

Strong history and culture to the West Lake and the beautiful natural scenery as a source of creativity, in-depth digging Hangzhou, an ancient folk tales, myths, cultural and historical representation of the elements of the West Lake to reproduce the same time, re-use of high-tech way, "West Lake Rain", from a side of West Lake and West Lake in the rain to reflect the natural charm of the rain. The entire landscape Virtual performances, through dynamic interpretation, realistic reproduction of the Hangzhou City connotation and condensed into a natural landscape to a high standard of art in the world, introduced to the world


关于这个问题,The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture.

During this festival, families gather together to appreciate the full moon and enjoy various activities. One of the highlights is the Mooncake, a round pastry filled with sweet or savory fillings. Mooncakes are typically shared among family and friends as a symbol of reunion and good luck.

Another popular tradition is the lantern parade, where people carry colorful lanterns of different shapes and sizes. It creates a magical atmosphere as the lanterns light up the night sky.

The Mid-Autumn Festival also has its own legends and folklore. The most famous one is the story of Chang'e, the Moon Goddess. According to the legend, she swallowed an elixir of immortality and flew to the moon, where she lives with a jade rabbit. It is believed that on this night, Chang'e descends to Earth and blesses people with good fortune.

In addition to these customs, families also enjoy activities like playing traditional games, reciting poems, and watching performances. It is a time for people to express gratitude for the harvest, pray for good luck, and cherish the bond of family and friendship.

Overall, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a joyous occasion that brings people together to celebrate the beauty of the moon and the abundance of life. It is a time to appreciate the blessings we have and to look forward to a prosperous future.
