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2024-07-23 15:45:17  来源:网络   热度:


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I would like to talk to you about the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival. This traditional Chinese holiday is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, when the moon is believed to be at its fullest and brightest.

During this festival, families gather together to appreciate the beauty of the moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes. It is a time for reunion and gratitude, as we express our love and appreciation for our loved ones.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is not only a time for celebration, but also a time for reflection. It reminds us of the importance of family and the value of togetherness. In today's fast-paced world, where we are often consumed by work and technology, this festival serves as a gentle reminder to slow down and cherish the moments we have with our loved ones.

Let us embrace the spirit of the Mid-Autumn Festival and take this opportunity to strengthen our bonds with family and friends. May the beauty of the moon inspire us to be grateful for the love and support we receive, and may it remind us to always strive for harmony and unity.

Thank you.




1.Beginning in the Tang Dynasty, Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals in China.


2.On this special day,people try their best to return home to gather with their family.


3.They have the reunion dinner, eat moon cakes and appreciate the full moon together.


4.The moon on this night is round and bright, symbolizing the family reunion.


5.During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the huge lantern show attracts many visitors in South China,


6.In East China ,watching the flood tide is a must for local people.



Today, my topic is,“On cooperation.”

Families specialize in their tasks by dividing the work among the different members according to what they are best qualified to do.

For example,mothers  cook, children wash dishes and make beds, fathers mow the grass and paint the house. By doing the same thing again and again, and  by  close cooperation, a family is able to work faster and get more work done than if just one does many kinds of tasks.

Similarly, it is“cooperation”that makes our complicated modern society work.




"Travel" is a journey, going out, that is, the process of traveling from A to B in space to achieve a certain purpose; "Tour" means going out for sightseeing, sightseeing and entertainment, that is, a trip to achieve these purposes.

The combination of the two is tourism. Therefore, travel emphasizes on travel, and tourism not only has "travel", but also has the meaning of sightseeing and entertainment.







Adult means a person has grown up, he is old enough to burden somthing,to take care of his parents,to raise his little family and so on.



1. 学术会议:在学术会议上,学者和专家们使用英语进行演讲,分享研究成果、新理论或观点。演讲者通常站在讲台上,面对一群相关领域的专业人士,演讲内容会较为专业和学术化。

2. 商务会议:在商务会议或企业内部活动中,英语演讲通常用于介绍公司战略、产品推广或重要决策。演讲者可能在会议室里站在讲台或使用屏幕投影来展示数据和图表。

3. 公共演讲:公共演讲可以发生在政治集会、社会活动或公共场所,演讲者以公众利益为导向,通过讲述故事、提出观点或呼吁社会变革,以影响和激发听众。这类演讲通常面对较大的听众群体,包括政界人士、媒体和公众。

4. 毕业典礼:在学校的毕业典礼上,毕业生通常会发表英语演讲,回顾学习经历、表达感激之情、分享未来目标,并鼓励同学们在未来的道路上前进。

5. TED演讲:TED(Technology, Entertainment, Design)是一个国际性的演讲平台,英语TED演讲涵盖了各种主题,如科技、文化、创新等。这些演讲的特点是短时间内精准传达思想和观点,以激发思考和启发听众。

