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2023-01-31 17:35:05  来源:网络   热度:


曹娥是东汉时小女子,闻父亲沉溺江中,找尸未着,痛哭欲绝,投江而死,会稽上虞令度尚为之立碑。蔡邕闻碑文写得很好,随后在碑阴(碑后面)题:“黄绢、幼妇、外孙、齏臼”隐“绝妙好辞”四字。这就是著名的“曹娥碑”。“黄绢、幼妇、外孙、齏臼”扣“绝妙好辞”四字。谜底的“绝”字左右分开成“色糸(丝)”两字,会意“黄绢”;“妙”字左右分开成“少女”两字,会意“幼妇”;“好”字左右分开成“女子”,两字会意外孙;“辞”字左右分开 成“受辛”两字,会意“齑臼”(齑臼,是研姜蒜类辛味的器具)。谜格曹娥格就是根据这个典故和谜的拆字扣合方法而得名。

answers 最终幻想14主题曲 中文歌词

歌曲名:Answers作曲:植松伸夫演唱者:Susan Calloway

I close my eyes, tell us why must we suffer双目紧闭,试问我们受苦为何Release your hands, for your will drags us under已可放手,因汝之意志已让我们臣服My legs grow tired, tell us where must we wander双足疲惫,试问我们将至何方How can we carry on if redemption"s beyond us?如果救赎不属于我们,我们又该为何坚持

To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant致我生活在富饶大地之上的子民To all of my children to whom Death hath passed his judgement致我逝去在神明制裁之下的子民The soul yearns for honor, and the flesh the hereafter还有那些渴望荣誉,等待来生的灵魂Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after请照顾那些已先一步离开的,和即将到来的生命

Shining is the Land"s light of justice正义之光正闪耀于乐土Ever flows the Land"s well of purpose传递着这片大陆的意念Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe...放下一切,抛弃一切,无需恐惧,要相信...The Land is alive, so believe...这片大陆在注视着,所以要坚信...

Suffer [Feel] Promise [Think] Witness [Teach] Reason [Hear]受苦[经受]――诺言[理解]――证明[教导]――因果[聆听]Follow [Feel] Wander [Think] Stumble [Teach] Listen [Speak]追求[感觉]――徘徊[思考]――踌躇[领会]――倾听[传述]Honor [Speak] Value [Tell] Whisper [Tell] Mention [Hope]荣誉[发言]――价值[辨别]――低语[流言]――提及[希望]Ponder [Hope] Warrant [Wish] Cherish [Wish] Welcome [Roam]沉思[盼望]――证明[追求]――珍爱[渴望]――接受[漫步]Witness [Roam] Listen [Roam] Suffer [Roam] Sanction [Sleep]见证[离开]――聆听[游走]――忍受[流浪]――惩戒[长眠]Weather [Sleep] Wander [Sleep] Answer [Sleep on]侵蚀[窒息]――游离[入眠]――答案[沉睡]

Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated你在我们重蹈覆辙的时候睁开了双眼Still deaf to our cries, lost in hope we lie defeated对我们的呼喊充耳不闻,失去希望的我们注定失败Our souls have been torn, and our bodies forsaken我们的灵魂被撕裂,身体也随之泯灭Bearing sins of the past, for our future is taken过去所犯下的罪恶,换走了我们的未来

War born of strife, these trials persuade us not冲突只会带来战争,这次的经验已足够教训世人(Feel what? Learn what?)所受为何?所学为何?Words without sound, these lies betray our thoughts来自没有声音的言语,我们熟知的一切被谎言所背叛

Mired by a plague of doubt, the Land, she mourns深陷于名为怀疑的瘟疫之中,这片大地,正在哭泣(See what? Hear what?)所见为何?所闻为何?Judgement binds all we hold to a memory of scorn制裁已下,我们信赖的记忆注定是一纸空文Tell us why, given Life, we are meant to die, helpless in our cries?为何赋予我们生命,却让我们注定要在绝望的哭喊中死去?

Witness [Feel] Suffer [Think] Borrow [Teach] Reason [Hear]见证[体会]――痛苦[考虑] ――借鉴[学习]―― 因果[倾听]Follow [Feel] Stumble [Think] Wander [Teach] Listen [Blink]追随[感受]――困惑[思考]――游荡[指引]――倾听[顿悟]Whisper [Blink] Shoulder [Blink] Ponder [Blink] Weather [Hear]低语[逃避]――承担[瞬间]――沉思[看清]――逝去[听从]Answer [Look] Answer [Think] Answer together响应[观察]――解答[思考]――这一切将汇成最终的答案

Thy Life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow生命如同谜语,喜悲亦然To listen, to suffer, to entrust unto tomorrow目睹与忍受着,将一切付诸明日In one fleeting moment, from the Land doth life flow在这一刻,大陆上了无生机,迈向死亡Yet in one fleeting moment, for anew it doth grow但是在下一刹那,新的开始已经发芽In the same fleeting moment thou must live, die and know但无论何时何地, 汝都会生老病死,永远铭记这一切背后的代价

[男声, 象征着五大种族?] I close my eyes let us find not we suffer 我闭上眼睛,让我们找到我们不会受苦Release your hands for your <wheel> brought us <under> 释放你的双手<车轮>给我们带来<之下>My legs don"t <hide> tell us where must we wander 我的腿不能<隐藏>告诉我们必须在那里漫步How can we carry on with redemption beyond us我们怎样才能赎回超越我们 [女声,象征着神?] To all of my children in whom life flows abundant 一切为我的孩子在生活中流动丰富To all of my children to whom death hath passed his judgment 一切为我的孩子死在谁谁手上由他自己判断The soul yearns for honor 灵魂渴望荣誉And the flesh there here-after 而身体存在这里-之后Look to those who walked before 看看那些谁走在前To lead those who walk after 而谁走在后Shining is the land"s light of justice 大地上闪耀着正义之光Ever flows the land"s well of purpose 自从大地上流传着美好的目的walk free walk free walk free believe 自由漫步,自由漫步,自由漫步,相信The land"s alive so believe. 在大地上活着,所以相信 Feel 感觉,<dance> 舞蹈,teach 教导,feel 感觉,feel 感觉<Grace> 恩典teach 教导speak 语言<speech> 发言tell说tell 说hope 希望hope 希望wish 祈祷wish 祈祷roam漫步 roam漫步 roam 漫步roam漫步sleep沉睡sleep 沉睡sleep 沉睡sleep on... 醒来・・・

Now open you eyes, while our plight is repeated 现在张开你的眼睛,而我们的困境依然存在Still death to our cries, lost in hope we lie defeated 还是死亡对我们的呼声,失去希望后我们战胜了谎言Our souls have been torn, and our bodies forsaken 我们的灵魂已经被撕裂,我们的身体被抛弃Bearing sins of the past, for our future is taken 轮回过去罪,为未来拾取War, born of strife these trials, they sway us not, 战争,天赋,我们不会浪费Words without sound, these lies betray our thoughts, 无声的言语,这些谎言背叛无门的意志Mired by a plague of doubt, the land she mourns 疑惑的瘟疫蔓延深渊,大地在哀悼judgment binds all we hold to a memory of scorn

Tell us why given life we are meant to die?

Help us in our plight!

